Measures to be taken before crops are planted

Before putting crops in the soil, it is important to take precautionary measures which can reduce the potential losses in the event of a hurricane. They are as follows:

1. .Planting early-maturing crops to avoid the flooding season
By planting crops that mature early, it is possible harvest them before the hurricane season approaches. This allows farmers to benefit from the crops before they have the opportunity to be damaged by the heavy winds and rains. This is not the same situation for crops that have a longer period needed to mature, as they would not be ready to be harvested during the hurricane season and are more likely to be damaged.

2.  Promoting floating gardens in flood-prone areas 
By promoting floating gardens, soil is put on a floating medium like a raft, and the seeds of crops are planted on the medium. This therefore means that when heavy rains come due to flood, crops can escape damage by floating on the accummulated water, as they are already suspended on water.

3.Accessing information on risk and weather forecasting to work out the best planting times 
By knowing the weather conditions and keeping up with the changes in rainfall and wind, farmers are better able to determine what to plant and when. If much rain is expected, they can anticipate flooding, and put precautionary measures in place to safeguard their crops. Also, if possible, they can choose to postpone their planting times until after the rains have passed. 

Image result for floating gardens


  1. Very interesting read! I really like the idea of a floating garden 👍


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